Uğur Motorlu Araçlar A.Ş. takes it as high priorty to keep the working envoriment safe and healty and keep all the activities as safe as possible for all the employees and shareholders. Our principle of Working health and safety(WHS) is high priority value for us in every stage of our acts.

In this direction,

It is abide by law and 2. legislation; We guarantee that we will take all the precaution and keep all the personal protection equipmants and and in necessity ensure them to use it to keep them safe and healthy in the work places and extensions of the work places for our workers, our subcontracters, visitors, and our company workers which works out of the work places by the law and legilastions of the Work Health and Safety.

All dangers will be detected and all risks will be prevented; We commit that in the work places and extentions of the the workplaces, all of the work accidents, all situations that will cause unsafety and occupational disease, possible accident risks, will be detect and prevent by making a efficent risk evaluation; all the risks that can cause a work accidents and occupational diseases will be detect, all the financial and moral damages that can happen in the future will be keep at minimum for our workers, visitors, subcontractors at all stages and their health, safety, social wellfare will be provide.

OUR RESPONSIBILTY TO OUR WORKERS AND GUESTS; We commit to we will train all our workers about work health and safety and make them aware about work health and safety. Also In the work place we commit to comply all visitors of Uğur Motorlu Araçlar and all subcontracters to rules of the work health and safety.

OUR DIRECTORS and WORKERS ARE RESPONSIBLE FROM WHS; The responsibility will be taken from all the workers from the every stage, from bottom to top.

CONTINOUSLY IMPROVEMENT; For our management system of WHS that has been established and executed, we commit to keep improving.