UMA has drawn attention to the importance of "World Animal Day".

4 Ekim 2016 Salı

Since 1908, regular animal care has been started by establishing Animal Protection Association in Turkey. The importance of animal protection has increased day by day, and associations have been established. Attention was paid to the protection of animals by recognizing injustices and maltreatment against animals.

In Hague, the capital of Holland, associations have gathered around the same purpose and Federation of World Animal Protection has been founded. This organization which has been founded in 1931,  has declared 4th October as Animal Protection Day. The first known association in history was founded in England in 1822. The Animal Protection Association was established to protect animals, to treat people well, and to feed and shelter them on better conditions.

In the early ages people were afraid of animals. They built their houses on the slopes of the mountains, on the rocks for being protected from the animals. In the past, people who considered animals as food and travel means, changed their viewpoints over time and began to show compassion, domestication, and established friendship with them. Even in the first era, people domesticated animals such as cats, dogs, horses, sheep, cattle, goats. The domesticated animals became the helpers of people.

People who established warm communication with the domesticated animals, had more loyalty to animals and animal affection. In many books and movies, we started to read and watch animal stories that gave life to their owners. Today, the vital importance of the animals has been pointed out by establishing animal hospitals civilized countries.

Those who love animals, love people more sincerely. Animal friends seek happiness in love. Let's love anmals. We must not torture the animals. Let's protect the animals. Let's help them. Let's apply what we learn in Animal Day during our lives.

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